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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Pablo Picasso | The Art of the Question by Janet Callaway | The Natural Networker

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Computers are useless.

They can only give you answers. Pablo Picasso

What a profound statement. Computers can only give you answers based on the questions you ask them; they do not originate questions.

Asking questions is the key to building relationships, solving problems and enriching lives.

Why is it that we don't recognize the importance of asking questions?

Perhaps because we do not listen to the answers to hear the message, we do not realize the significance of what has been said. Because we did not “hear” what the other person was saying, we did not know to ask a follow-up question.

Let me tell you a story which illustrates the power of asking questions.

Years about Psychology Magazine conducted an experiment on a cross-country flight. The psychologist's goal was to see how little he could reveal about himself while finding out as much as he could about his seat mate. During the 6 hour flight the psychologist asked his seat mate questions, follow up questions and more questions as one naturally led to the next.

How many questions did his seat mate ask him? None.

Here's what's so fascinating about this study. They were met at the plane by people who wanted to interview the seat mate. They asked him basic questions such as “did he know his seat mate's name, if he had a family, his occupation, etc.” Though the seat mate said he did not know the answer to any of those questions, what he did know was that his seat mate was one of the most interesting gentlemen he had every met.

The psychologist listened, heard and asked questions.

If you started asking questions, listening to and hearing the answers, think what a difference it would make in your personal and business lives.

Unfortunately rather than listening and hearing, this is how most people listen.

<blockquote>They spend:

45% of their time figuring out what they are going to say.

45% waiting for a break in the conversation so they can jump in.

10% is all that's left for listening.</blockquote>

Instead of listening only 10%, I recommend you listen 100%.

If you listen 100% you won't have to spend time working on your answer or figuring out what question to ask because the person will tell you in their answer.

The better questions you ask, the better the answers you will receive.

All innovations that exist are because someone asked “What if . . .?”


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