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Thursday, February 24, 2011

How to Fish Your Way to More Contacts & Clients by Janet Callaway | The Natural Networker

Have you heard someone say they were going to a networking event to hunt down some contacts or clients? Most likely we have all heard that and maybe even said it ourselves.

When an animal is hunted, what happens? It runs as fast as it can in the opposite direction.

What happens when people know we are hunting or stalking them for future business? That's right, they run as fast as they can.

What if, instead of going hunting, you went fishing?

How's that different, you say, you are still going after them.

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Four Agreements A Review by Janet Callaway The Natural Networker

The Four Agreements is an easy-to-read book packed with wisdom for those of us involved in Social Media Marketing and/or Network Marketing. Don Miguel Ruiz says: “You need a very strong will in order to adopt the Four Agreements—but if you can begin to live your life with these agreements, the transformation in your life will be amazing. You will see the drama of hell disappear right before your very eyes. Instead of living in a dream of hell, you will be creating a new dream—your personal dream of heaven.”

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Network Marketing—A to Z #6 In a Series of Fun Facts, Figures & Tips by Janet Callaway | The Natural Networker

Network Marketing--A to Z is an encyclopedia of fun facts, figures and tips for success in this amazing industry.

Let's continue on with the next 2 letters in the alphabet, each of which help you to understand another reason why building a network marketing business makes sense.

The business and leadership skills you develop in network marketing will enrich your life in many areas.

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Monday, February 21, 2011

5 Thoughts On Relationships by Janet Callaway The Natural Networker

Since people are everywhere and part of most everything you do, it is stands to reason that the better your relationships, the better your life will be. Any interaction with another is a relationship of sorts; it can be a one time payment in a convenience store, a business relationship or a personal relationship. Let's take a look at some connections between actions and relationships.

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Saturday, February 19, 2011

5 Tips For Effective Networking by Janet Callaway | The Natural Networker

With the arrival of social media along with the buzzwords “transparency” and “authenticity” becoming a part of everyday jargon, it's time to rethink how we approach networking. While most people are resistant to change of any type, when you understand the reason for the changes and see the long term value, I think you will agree with me Hooray for New Networking!

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Friday, February 18, 2011

Network Marketing—A to Z #5 In a Series of Fun Facts, Figures & Tips by Janet Callaway | The Natural Networker

Network Marketing--A to Z is an encyclopedia of fun facts, figures and tips for success in this amazing industry.

Let's continue on with the next 2 letters in the alphabet, each of which help you to understand another reason why building a network marketing business makes sense.

K is for K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple Sweetie because network marketing is a conversation between friends and business associates. Network marketing is, and always has been, a relationship business.

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Retired – Now What – Social Media by Janet Callaway | The Natural Networker

Retired, find you and your friends moving in different directions, losing touch? Have you considered social media as a means to stay in touch? The Internet is not just e-mails and pictures. You can use online social media to bring your community back together, even if everyone lives in another State or even in another Country. And it's free.

Not only that, social media makes everything from shopping, researching, talking to friends, making new friends, convenient and fun. While main street merchants may be more interested in Generation X online merchants are becoming ever increasingly interested in us.

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How To Get The Appointment by Janet Callaway | The Natural Networker

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No matter your business, you have to be able to talk with your prospective customer, client or partner in order to move to the next step. To do this, you need to get the appointment. Unfortunately, many people simply cannot seem to do this on a consistent basis.

Before his tragic accident a couple of years ago, I was fortunate to be able to work with network marketing icon Bob Schmidt. His common sense approach worked extremely well for him for over three decades earning him millions annually. It also worked for literally thousands of others who were led to correct actions and thus success by his teachings.

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Network Marketing—A to Z #4 In a Series of Fun Facts, Figures & Tips by Janet Callaway | The Natural Networker

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Network Marketing--A to Z is an encyclopedia of fun facts, figures and tips for success in this amazing industry.

Let's continue on with the next 2 letters in the alphabet, each of which help you to understand another reason why building a network marketing business makes sense.

I is for Income. In network marketing, income is made in a number of different ways depending on the compensation plan involved.

At the very minimum, there are 3 ways that income is generated: (1) difference between the wholesale and the retail price of a product or service; (2) residual or recurring income and (3) tax savings.

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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Network Marketing News, 1st Edition by Janet Callaway | The Natural Networker

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Network Marketing is the ultimate relationship business and personal growth opportunity. Unless you nurture relationships and develop as the type of person people will know, like and trust, you cannot build a successful business in this industry.

However, one of the great secrets of network marketing, that is not, in my opinion, talked about often enough is the wonderful people you meet along the way. Some become life long friends even though you never build a business together while others are leaders in other companies you respect and admire.

The purpose of Network Marketing News is to bring you a collection of great articles posted by different individuals during the previous week.

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Saturday, February 12, 2011

6 Universal Principles Of Social Influence by Janet Callaway

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Years ago I listened to an audio cassette program that has had a lasting impact on me. Instant Influence: The Pscychology of Persuasion by Dr. Robert Cialdini was the name of the program. The information has since been included in his book Influence: Science & Practice as well as Yes! 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to be Persuasive co-authored with Noah J. Goldstein and Steve J. Martin.

Because his work explains why we (you, me, all of us) react a certain way in a given situation, I have become a better communicator and more effective in helping others. For those of us in Social Media Marketing and Network Marketing the 6 principles taught by Dr. Cialdini are invaluable. When you read these 6 principles, guaranteed you will have an “ah ha” moment.

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Friday, February 11, 2011

The Friendship Factor by Janet Callaway | The Natural Networker

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In an earlier post, I talked about the importance of associating with people who lift you up rather than pull you down. This is particularly important if you are a part of the social media marketing or network marketing industries.

Let me give you a few statistics, backed by research, that illustrate why your friends make a significant difference in your life.

Your income tends to equal the average of your 5 closest friends.

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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Close Today to Begin Your Future by Janet Callaway | The Natural Networker

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When an unpleasant situation occurs or a relationship ends, people talk about needing closure.

When a project ends, there is a wrap up, a report or somethings that defines The End.

Yet how often do we take the time to end our day and prepare for the next?

Since we know that it takes it takes 30 days for a new habit to form, do this and see what happens in your life.

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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Network Marketing—A to Z #3 In a Series of Fun Facts, Figures & Tips by Janet Callaway | The Natural Networker

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Network Marketing--A to Z is an encyclopedia of fun facts, figures and tips for success in this amazing industry.

Let's continue on with the next 2 letters in the alphabet, each of which holds a key essential to network marketing success.

G is for Goals. As in life, goals in network marketing are essential for success. If you don't know where you want to go, how much money you want to make or what you want your end result to be, how will you ever get there? The answer is you won't.

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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

WHY By Janet Callaway

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What's your Why? Is it Big Enough?

We always hear people talking about a Why yet what exactly does it mean? Your Why is your reason to keep going when you would much rather stop. A compelling Why is important in any area of your life from athletic pursuits to personal improvement to business. Let me explain what I mean by a compelling Why.

Imagine that you are out enjoying a wonderful evening when you receive a phone call about an emergency with a loved one. No matter how good a time you are having, you are going to stop what you are doing immediately and rush to help. No hesitation or second thoughts on your part because your Why, your reason for doing it, is so clear to you.

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Monday, February 7, 2011

What Will My Friends Say by Robert T Kiyosaki

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What will my friends say?" is a question or concern I've often heard at educational seminars put on by network marketing companies; "they'll think I'm crazy," is another. For many, even though the business opportunity makes complete sense and they want to make these changes in their financial lives, one of the biggest hurdles of all is, "What will my friends and family think if I start a network marketing business?"

One evening, a single mom stood in front of a group of about 30 guests who'd come to hear about a network marketing business opportunity. The woman was telling us all about how her husband had left, leaving her with the job of raising their four children on her own. Rather than go on welfare, this brave young mother told us, she had started a network marketing business; today she was earning over $60,000 a year, part-time--and raising her young children full-time.

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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Are You Addicted To Distraction? By Janet Callaway

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Do you suffer from bright shiny object syndrome?  No surprise, all of us do to some extent.  In fact, it takes effort not to be distracted; to stay focused on what's important.  Let's take a minute to look at what's happening all around us.  Quite honestly, I think it is harder to maintain focus today than it was 100 years ago.   Here's why.

The first thing that greets you when you go into your office is your computer.   You turn it on and e-mails flood into your inbox.  You start answering e-mails, clicking on the links in the e-mails and the next thing you know you are following an interesting yet non-productive path.  The phone rings, someone stops by your office, you attend multiple meetings, get back to your e-mails, check blogs, research and the list goes on and on.  No doubt about it, we are in information overload and using these distractions to avoid doing more challenging tasks.

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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Networking Marketing vs. Standard Manufacturing Distribution—what's the difference? By Janet Callaway

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According to noted economist Paul Zane Pilzer “small businesses today account for more than one-half of our nation's economic output and employ more than half our private-sector work force—and more than half of these are home-based businesses.”

Network marketing in particular is seeing dramatic growth in these challenging times. Over the past 10 years the direct selling industry (of which network marketing is the largest segment) has experienced 91% growth with annual sales in excess of $30 billion in the United States and $100 billion worldwide.

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Friday, February 4, 2011

Network Marketing—A to Z #2 In a Series of Fun Facts, Figures & Tips by Janet Callaway | The Natural Networker

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Network Marketing--A to Z is an encyclopedia of fun facts, figures and tips for success in this amazing industry.

Let's continue on with the next 3 letters in the alphabet, each of which holds a key essential to network marketing success.

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Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Art of Abraham Lincoln by Stuart Mills

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Social Media Marketing is an opportunity to meet and interact with people who you would most likely not ever encounter in your “regular” world. These people enrich your life; this is such a story.

Last month while touring the “blogosphere,” (social media marketing term for the world of people who blog), I met a blogger by the name of Tristan Higbee who in turn introduced me to Marcus Sheridan who introduced me to his guest blogger Stuart Mills.

Because Stuart's tribute to Abraham Lincoln keeps playing in my mind and I have returned to read the post several times, I wanted to share it with you. No matter what you do in life, if you adopt Abraham Lincoln's qualities, your life and world will be better for it. Thank you, Stuart, for this inspiring tribute.

Four score and seven years ago…” – Abraham Lincoln

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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Network Marketing—A to Z #1 In A Series Of Fun Facts, Figures &Tips by Janet Callaway | The Natural Networker

Network Marketing--A to Z is an encyclopedia of fun facts, figures and tips for success in this amazing industry.

Before I begin, let me define network marketing.

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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hellooooo—Is Anybody Listening by Janet Callaway | The Natural Networker

Social Media Marketing and network marketing are both about “engaging” with other people be it face-to-face or online.

Yet far too frequently there is no engagement; only words—spoken, tweeted or posted. Think about this.

How often have you been involved in a conversation and felt the other person was not listening to you? Pretty frustrating, isn't it? There they were, looking at you, nodding yet they “heard” only the words you said; they did not “listen” to understand what you said.

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